Words have many letters
He heard soft footsteps behind him. That did not bode well. Who would follow him, late at night, and in this narrow alley in the middle of the badly known harbor district? Just when he had done the thing of his life and was about to disappear with the loot! Had one of his countless colleagues had the same idea, watched him and waited to relieve him of the fruits of his labor? Or did the footsteps behind him belong to one of the countless law enforcement officers of this city, and the steel figure eight around his wrists was about to snap shut? He could already hear the order to stop. He looked around hurriedly. Suddenly he caught sight of the narrow passage. In a flash, he turned to the right and disappeared between the two buildings. He almost fell over the overturned trash can that lay in the middle of the path. He tried to feel his way in the darkness and froze: apparently there was no other way out of this small courtyard than the passageway through which he had come. The footsteps grew louder and louder, he saw a dark figure turn the corner. Feverishly his eyes wandered through the night darkness, looking for a way out. Was now really all over,
The days of the week
In the beginning, the Monday when no work was done was called a good or free Monday. Later, the color blue was mixed in and people spoke of "blue" Monday.
There are no explanations for this.
Yellow is the color of communication and exchange. In addition, it also corresponds to the solar plexus center, our third energy center, which radiates from the center of our body (stomach area). This fits wonderfully with Wednesday, the third day of the week.
The next day of remembrance in Holy Week is Maundy Thursday. On this day, the church commemorates the Last Supper that Jesus held with his disciples. During the service, the organ and bells fall silent; after the celebration of Mass, floral decorations and candles are cleared away. Incidentally, the name "Maundy Thursday" has nothing to do with color, but comes from the Old High German "Grunen" or "Greinen," meaning "to weep."
Black Friday is the name of a Friday that is considered particularly memorable because of an accident that occurred on that day.